Archive for August 25th, 2010

Wednesday Weigh-in: Goodbye 270s!

Mike on Aug 25th 2010

After about eight weeks stuck in the 270s, I’m finally out of them. I weighed in today at 268.8, which is 1.2 lbs for the week and 52.8 total. As I mentioned in my last Wednesday Weigh-in, several of those weeks I was stuck between 270.8 and 272.8, including last week. After last week’s weigh-in at 270.0 I immediately went back up to 272.8 the next day and fluctuated back and forth all week. Finally, after getting discouraged about it Sunday afternoon, I decided to get fanatical and blow through the wall that I seemed to be up against. I talked to Tim about it on Monday and then worked out really hard…really hard. Then I did cardio yesterday and worked out hard again today. I also went super strict on my diet as well. The result? I lost a couple of pounds in the last couple of days, skipping right over 269. My goal is to get the heck out of the 260s…FAST. I want to see 250-something within the next couple of weeks. I plan on working out five days a week for the next several weeks and staying strict on the diet during that time, too. I don’t know exactly what was up with the plateau I hit, but I’m past it now.

Filed in Wednesday Weigh-in,Weight loss | 2 responses so far