Archive for August 8th, 2010

116,492 Steps with Mickey Mouse

Mike on Aug 8th 2010

116,492 steps, or 46 miles. That’s how much we walked during our 10 day vacation to Disney World. I bought a good pedometer right before our trip because I was curious about how much we would walk, and I’m glad I did. The least we walked was 1.3 miles on the last day, since it was pretty much hotel, airport, and home. The most we walked was 8.4 miles on the second day there, which was also the day I decided to workout at the hotel’s fitness center during Nadia’s afternoon nap. I did about half-an-hour on the elliptical and then 20 minutes of legs (leg press, leg curls, etc.). It was kind of crazy now that I look back on it, but I don’t regret it. By the end of the vacation, however, I wasn’t doing any workouts…my legs and feet hurt enough without it. Walking all day in the sun in the mid-90s heat was quite enough for me.

I ate like a pig the whole time, but didn’t really gain much weight…possibly a pound or two (if any). All that walking and sweating made it practically impossible to gain weight. I got back to my regular workout routine Wednesday, the day after we got back, and I’ll be getting back to my diet this week. It was a fun trip, but I’m glad things will be back to “normal” this week.

If you want to read all about the trip, and see pictures and videos from it, visit our family blog at: Louanne will be posting about it over the next several days.

Filed in Leisure,Pedometer | 4 responses so far