Archive for June 15th, 2010

40 Pounds!

Mike on Jun 15th 2010

I’ve lost over 6.2 lbs this week, with still one day to go before my official Wednesday Weigh-in! That’s incredible considering last week’s disappointing 1.6 lbs.  Surprisingly I lost 1.6 yesterday alone, which puts me at exactly 40 pounds lost since I started. I’m 3.4 lbs below where I need to be for my physical tomorrow, so no worries now. Even with a little fluctuation or scale difference I’d be amazed if the difference was THAT much. After my physical tomorrow I’ll be bumping my calories back up to the 2000 or so I was eating before…and we are going out for Italian on Thurday for our 15th Wedding Anniversary. Cause for a cheat if there ever was one.

Filed in Weight,Weight loss | 6 responses so far