Archive for June 2nd, 2010

Wednesday Weigh-in: 289.4

Mike on Jun 2nd 2010

289.4 today. That’s 5.4 lbs this week, and six days of it was with my daily calorie intake reduced to 1000. That’s 32.2 lbs total.

I have two more weeks to lose 9.4 before my physical, which I seem to be right on track for. In addition to reducing my calories, I’ve upped my cardio significantly. For the last two days, however, I’ve been really hungry in the afternoon and evening, and today during my workout I noticed my energy level down a bit, so I’ll probably up my calories by a couple of hundred to see if that knocks it out. Hopefully that will take care of the problems, and that small increase shouldn’t interfere with the weight loss enough to cause me to miss my goal. After the physical I’ll be upping it a few hundred more.

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