Archive for May 30th, 2010

Down Go the Calories

Mike on May 30th 2010

Down go the calories, but not down my throat. As of Thursday I cut my calories down to about 1000 per day. But I should be doing this only for a few weeks and then I’ll push it back up to normal. I have a physical scheduled for June 16 and a BMI requirement attached to it. I have to be under 40 BMI by then (for reasons that will have to remain my own at the moment), which means that I need to weigh about 280. I’ve already dropped over 3 pounds since my last Wednesday Weigh-in, so it is going exactly like I hoped so far. I’m kind of hungry in the afternoon and evening before my small meals, but nothing bad. I’ve left my breakfast the same…but of course now I feel super stuffed after it since I’m eating so much less the rest of the time. Coincidentally our 15th Wedding anniversary is on the 17th, the day after the physical. So, you can bet I’ll be enjoying a nice cheat that day. 🙂

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