Archive for May 26th, 2010

Wednesday Weigh-in: 294.8

Mike on May 26th 2010

294.8 today. That’s 2.8 lbs this week and 26.8 total. Pretty good considering I had my first “cheat” day in a month. We had to take a small road trip Saturday, and while Louanne had a meeting, Nadia and I went to the Toy and Action Figure Museum and then to Braum’s for an ice cream cone. That was great fun. And afterwards we all had Arby’s for dinner on the way home.

Having a small cheat wasn’t a significant problem. It just means that I have to be that much more on my guard for a few days so that I don’t make a habit of it…because doing something once means it is significantly easier to do it a second time, and then before you know it you’re off the wagon (or eating it, as I said in my last post). I’m changing my lifestyle, so for now I have to be extra careful so that I don’t fall back into my old ways.

Filed in Motivation,Wednesday Weigh-in,Weight loss | 4 responses so far