Wednesday Weigh-in: Patience Required

Mike on Aug 18th 2010

It’s been a month since my last official “Wednesday Weigh-in,” although I have weighed myself lots of times since then. In that month I have lost exactly 0.8 pounds. Ugh! For roughly two weeks I didn’t lose anything. My weight would yo yo between about 270.8 and 272.8, in spite of the fact that I was still working out and dieting…and then came the Disney-eat-like-a-christmas-ham-getting-ready-for-the-slaughter Trip. Two weeks of that and then another week of trying to get back to my normal routine put me up around 275 again. But as of this morning I’m at 270.0 (51.6 lbs total). So, I had a month of patience testing, but now I’m on my way back down. The Disney trip, though, was totally worth the small setback. 🙂

Onward and upward!…or I guess “downward” in my case.

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