Archive for February 4th, 2011

Ready for China!

Mike on Feb 4th 2011

I made my goal and finally broke 250 lbs today! This morning I was 249.4. That puts me at 72.2 lbs lost on the scale and probably over 90 lbs of actual fat lost, considering the amount of muscle I’ve concurrently gained in the last year. I’ll continue to be very strict for the next couple of days to see if I can drop another pound or two, but then Sunday we’re going to Pappasito’s. We leave for China on Tuesday and the diet is going to be on hold until we get back at the end of the month.

Feels great to finally break 250…the last 25 lbs were tough, but lately I’ve been pleased to see the weight coming off quickly again. My guess is that I have another 40-50 lbs to go, and it all looks downhill from here.

Filed in Wednesday Weigh-in,Weight | 3 responses so far