Finally in the 250s…Again

Mike on Jun 27th 2012

I’m in the 250s…once again. This morning I was 259.6 lbs, which means I’ve lost 26.4 lbs since April, after starting my testosterone replacement therapy and feeling up to cutting the calories again. Another 10-15 lbs and I’ll have erased the weight gain that happened after all the health problems started. My goal is to be there sometime around the beginning of August. We’ll see.

My hope is that I can finally be done with the weight loss by the end of the summer or early fall. It would be nice to see the end of the ridiculous calorie restrictions and get on with some fitness goals that I might find enjoyable, such as building muscle and making lifting gains. In any case, it is still wonderful to feel like I’ve got the part of my life back that I seemed to have lost. Not dragging around tired all the time is worth every penny it costs for the therapy.

Filed in Health,Testosterone,Weight | 5 responses so far